Our Sellers are generous and donate thousands of items to meet the needs of our community each year. Our network strives to provided TARGETED donations within WNC. We are connecting with groups and non-profits doing the hard work daily to bridge the gaps for our neighbors.
Chances for Children Carolinas, a 5013c NC organization runs our donation efforts & needs MANY HANDS & cardboard boxes to get the job done!! Please consider helping out!
Wee Trade Nonprofit Partners
Wee Trade is proud to support these incredible organizations dedicated to making a difference in our communities. Through your donations, these partners can continue their vital work.
Abiding Hope, Inc
Mission: A Christ-centered outreach ministry striving to empower women and families challenged by pregnancy and parenting by providing positive choices that defend and protect the sanctity of all human life.
Website: www.abidinghopeinc.org
Amazing Grace Ministries of Hendersonville
Mission: Helping those who struggle to care for themselves and their families, along with seniors and veterans who have fallen through the cracks, serving the greater community for the past 7 years.
Website: Foramazinggrace.com
Babies Need Bottoms Diaper Bank
Mission: To improve the lives of babies, toddlers, and parents in Western North Carolina through diaper distribution, community awareness, and partnerships.
Website: babiesneedbottoms.org
Beacon of Hope Services
Mission: Connecting and empowering the community through food assistance to roughly 1,000 low-income families each month in Madison and surrounding counties, supported by a low-cost thrift store.
Website: bohmarshall.org
Black Mountain Home for Children
Mission: Glorifying God by caring for children.
Website: https://www.blackmountainhome.org
Boys and Girls Club of Henderson County
Mission: Serving around 400 kids aged 6-18 and assisting their families with needs such as food, clothing, and support.
Website: bgchendersonco.org
Brandi Nichole Family Enrichment Center
Mission: Providing therapeutic foster care and respite care services to the families and children of WNC.
Website: brandinichole.org
Buncombe County Schools Bookmobile
Mission: A literacy program promoting Kindergarten Literacy Readiness for Pre-K students in Buncombe County, also serving as a mobile library during summer to prevent reading loss.
Website: Buncombe County Schools
Email: Bookmobile@bcsemail.org
Facebook: BCS Bookmobile
Caring for Children/Eckerd
Mission: Providing diverse programs and services that meet the needs of children and families in Western North Carolina, including foster care, adoption, and youth transitional services.
Website: https://eckerd.org/family-children-services/caring-for-children/
Crossnore Communities for Children
Mission: Creating healthy futures for children and families by providing a Christian sanctuary of hope and healing, offering prevention, therapy, foster care, and adoption services.
Website: www.crossnore.org
Feeding The Multitudes
Mission: To eradicate hunger and poverty in rural communities without stigma or discrimination.
Website: Feeding The Multitudes Facebook
Haywood County Bear Closet
Mission: Providing supplies, clothing, and equipment for young mothers and their babies (sizes 0-6T) in Haywood County.
Website: bearcloset.org
Henderson County Foster Parents Association
Mission: Strengthening foster and kinship families through support, training, and advocacy, with the aim of nurturing child safety, well-being, and stability.
Website: hcfosterpa.org
Homer’s Chapel Freewill Baptist Church
Mission: Hosting an annual community baby shower to provide needed baby items for single mothers, foster families, and any family in need, serving the Black Mountain, Asheville, Hendersonville, and Marion areas.
Website: Homer’s Chapel on Facebook
Website: www.homerschapel.org
Hope UMC
Mission: Providing services to families in need through a BEAR closet, coat closet, free meals, and other related services in the community.
Website: myhopeunited.org
Interfaith Assistance Ministry
Mission: Assisting community members experiencing a crisis with basic needs, providing food, clothing, household linens, personal hygiene items, and financial assistance in an atmosphere of compassion and respect.
Website: iam-hc.org
Owen Middle School/United Way
Mission: Serving families of 6th-8th graders in Swannanoa and Black Mountain by providing a resource room with a clothing closet, hygiene items, food pantry, and school supplies.
Website: Owen Middle School
Pole Creek Baptist Church Clothes Closet “The Creek Boutique”
Mission: Providing clothing, shoes, and other items necessary for foster families and those in need throughout the Candler community, while putting the Gospel message into action.
Website: polecreek.org
Recovery Ventures Corporation
Mission: Offering hope to individuals struggling with substance use disorders through a free, comprehensive residential treatment program in a therapeutic community setting.
Website: recovery.org
Snow Hill United Methodist Church BEAR Loan Closet
Mission: Loaning baby equipment and providing resources to families with children from newborn to size 6T in Buncombe and surrounding counties who are struggling.
The Center for Women
Mission: A Christian medical facility providing free services such as pregnancy testing, limited OB ultrasound, and confidential counseling to women experiencing unplanned pregnancies, offering compassionate care and informed decision-making.
Website: brevardwomenscenter.com
The Thursday Thrift Shop at St. James
Mission: Providing affordable clothing and household items with proceeds supporting local outreach organizations, serving the community for over 50 years.
Website: stjamesepiscopal.com
Verner Center for Early Learning
Mission: Delivering high-quality education and supporting family well-being, serving the early childhood population and their families.
Website: vernerearlylearning.org
Western Carolina Rescue Ministries
Mission: Serving the homeless, poor, and addicted populations of Western North Carolina, focusing on rescue, recovery, and restoration in Jesus’ name, meeting people in crisis where they are.
Website: westerncarolinarescue.org
We are immensely grateful to partner with these organizations and thank our consignors for their generous donations. Together, we are making a difference in the lives of many. To learn more about our partners and how you can help, visit our website: Wee Trade Nonprofit Partners.