Minimums & Limits
You must consign a minimum of 12 small items or 1 large item valued $40 or more
There is a 200 item limit per consignor number. 100 item limit for clothing. (ONLY 1 Additional Consignor Account with a unique email is permitted)
- $2 minimum item price
Infant Clothing (0-18 month): 15 hangers/gender (You can group multiple items on 1 hanger and count that as 1 hanging item. Winter coats and costumes do not count toward this limit.)
- Junior/Teen Clothing: 15 hangers per gender (You can group multiple items on 1 hanger and count that as 1 hanging item. Winter coats and costumes do not count toward this limit.)
Limit 10 pair of baby/toddler shoes per consignor.
- Maternity: 10 hangers
- Bibs: 5
- Baby Blankets: 5
Quality Contract
Wee Trade is not a Yard Sale and Wee take quality very seriously. We expect all items to meet the quality standards (see “What is accepted” tab below). Consignors are strongly encouraged to inspect their own items both at home and at the event under the sale floor lights. This is YOUR SALE and you more than anyone wants the public to come shop because they can guarantee high quality items. While shopping, please pull any item that does not meet our quality standard for a second look by the team.
If someone finds an item that has missed our inspection and is tired, stained, torn or for some other obvious reason does not meet the quality standard, they will be given a $1 Bee Buck to spend at the sale. (they cannot buy the item at a discount).
There will be signage at the public sale as well and any shopper can earn $1 Bee Buck for bringing a poor quality item to the staff.
The consignor will be charged that $1 from their earnings at the end of the sale.
What is accepted?
- Baby/toddler travel equipment (i.e. car seat with base*, additional bases*, booster seats* and accessories, pack-and-plays*, diaper bags, carriers/wraps/slings, strollers* and accessories etc.)
- *Note: Car seat with base, additional bases and booster seats will need to have a document signed by the consignor verifying that the item(s) have not been in any accidents, have not expired per the manufacturer’s printed date and at least six (6) months remain until the expiration date; if the item does not have a visible expiration sticker, the manufacturer’s date must be less than five (5) years old.
- *Note: Pack-and-plays must have their original manufacturer-issued liner and/or mattress.
- *Note: Strollers must have a three (3) or five (5) point harness and be manufactured after 2/2013.
- Nursery/children’s furniture (i.e. cribs*, changing tables, gliders, rockers, nursing stools, bassinets*, co-sleepers*, table and chair sets, children’s chairs/stools, wood/toy chests*, etc.)
- *Note: Cribs must be manufactured after 6/2011 and without a current recall.
- *Note: Bassinets must be manufactured after 4/2014 and co-sleepers must be manufactured after 7/2014.
- *Note: See for tipping hazard guidelines.
- *Note: Wood/toy chests must have soft close hinges and air holes or no locking mechanism.
- Baby equipment (i.e. bouncy seats, exersaucers, jumperoos, swings, activity mats, walkers, etc.)
- Outdoor toys (i.e. bikes, scooters, riding toys, playhouses, motorized cars, etc.)
- Sports equipment (i.e. bats, balls, helmets, skates, protective gear, etc.)
- Art supplies (i.e. sewing items, craft kits, coloring materials, jewelry making materials, new playdough and accessories, etc.)
- Games and puzzles (must be complete and kid-oriented)
- Electronics/video and computer games (i.e. leapfrog, games rated “E” for everyone, etc.)
- Books (i.e. board books, chapter books, educational/homeschool, etc.)
- Safety and child-proofing equipment (i.e. gates, door handle and cabinet locks, monitors, outlet covers, etc.)
- Feeding items (i.e. sippy cups, utensils, travel containers, baby food-making appliances, high chairs*, booster seats, bibs, etc.)
- *Note: High chairs must have a three (3) or five (5) point harness, unless a two (2) point harness has a raised barrier between the legs.
- Nursing items (i.e. bottles, nipples, bottle warmers, travel bags, nursing covers, non-liquid filled teethers, open-style pacifiers, nursing pillows, unexpired and unopened formula, breastmilk storage and accessories, new breast pumps, etc.)
- Diaper and Potty-Training items (i.e. disposable diapers, cloth diapers and accessories, diaper genies, clean potty seats, wipes, wipe warmers, etc.)
- Bathing items (i.e. towels, new/unopened and unexpired bath products, bath toys that cannot trap water or NEW squirt toys still in original packaging, infant bathtubs*, etc.)
- *Note: Infant bathtubs must follow the CPSC guidelinesas of 10/2017 on infant bathtubs and have a visible warning label to address the risk of drowning and falling hazard.
- Bedding items (i.e. mattress protectors, crib/toddler and, twin and full sheets with intact elastic, breathable bumpers, receiving blankets, single-layer blankets, “lovies”, sleeping bags, etc.).
- Organizational/storage and room décor with a functional purpose (i.e. closet organizers, storage bins/containers, lamps, night lights, curtains, banks, bookends, etc.)
- Pet Related Gear & Accessories
- “Giftables” – all items in this section must be NEW, in original packaging (i.e. kid-oriented photo frames and albums, wall decals, scrap books/baby books, gift sets, ornaments, milestone trackers/items, etc.)
- Kid-oriented seasonal holiday items (i.e. Fall / Winter: Halloween trick-or-treat bags, stockings and Spring / Summer: Easter baskets, eggs, etc.)
What is NOT accepted?
- Recalled items* – Check here for recalled items.
- *Note: Recalled items may be sold ONLY if there has been an approved repair and the manufacturer’s repair kit was installed properly.
- Car seats older than the printed manufacturer expiration date OR, if no printed sticker, not older than five (5) years from the manufactured date OR a car seat that expires less than 12 months of the expiration date; also, no car seat liners without a car seat
- Cribs manufactured on or before 6/2011 and any with an adjustable/drop side
- Used battery-operated items without functional batteries*
- *Note: Items that are new, in box or original packaging do not need to include batteries. Batteries that stop working at the sale will be charged a battery fee (paid by consignor) if the item is found not working.
- Stuffed animals or plush toys
- Porcelain dolls and tea sets
- Broken, incomplete or overly-used toys, games and puzzles
- Silly putty, slime or playdough (unless new, in original packaging)
- VHS tapes and cassettes (unless they accompany a toy or electronic item)
- ALL medicine, vitamins, and food (except unexpired and unused formula)
- Liquid-filled teethers and used “closed” pacifiers (unless new, in original packaging)
- Breast pumps and tubing (unless new, in original packaging)
- Bath products (unless new, in original packaging and not expired)
- Nail polish (unless new, in original packaging)
- Squeeze or squirt bath toys and/or any toy which could hold or trap water (unless new, in original packaging)
- Infant bathtubs that do not have a clear visible warning label for risk of drowning and falling hazard; bathtubs must follow the 10/2017 guidelines by the CPSC
- Comforters, Large Bedding Sets
- Crib bumpers that are not mesh/breathable
- Sleep positioners or wedges
- Crib mobiles
- CDs

Keeping our kids safe is very important to us all. Consignors, check your items using the recall list at or an excellent recall and product safety website